Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Could school be any more cruel?

Ok, so you know college can be stressful. Well, next week is going to be absolutely horrible. :(

I found out yesterday that I am going to have three exams next week. That's right, three exams. I'm totally not looking forward to that! Luckily, they are spaced out to where I have a day in between each one. But, still....not looking forward to it. :(

I have two quizes this week that I need to study for. I have to read three articles for my history quiz and study five steps to writing a persuasive speech for my public speaking class. BTW, I better get on reading those articles....

I'm looking forward to this weekend, because the week after spring break is torchure. My suitemates have been extreemly loud over the past couple of days, which hinders the sleeping at night. I can't wait to get a good night's sleep and be able to rest. Oh, and I get my hair cut! WOO HOO!

Well...that's an update on what's going on in Amber's world. :P

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