Saturday, March 28, 2009


I am not having a good weekend.

Yesterday, I found out that my history test is now going to be on Wednesday, instead of Monday. You would think that I would be happy, but I'm not. Because on Wednesday, I have a state government test that I need to study my butt off for. So now since my history test has been moved, it has hindered my studying plan. I am not happy about this. :(

My roomie has been driving me insane this week. I mean, literately insane. The girl will NOT STOP TALKING ON HER CELL PHONE!!!! I swear, the thing is plastered to her ear. You would think that talking on a phone that much would get old, but apparently it doesn't. I had to tell her to be quiet the other night, just so I could get some work done. You would think that somebody would think to be curteous to their roommate. Well, she's not. When she talks on the phone, she doesn't whisper. No, she talks REALLY LOUD. It is really starting to make me mad. But, I keep on reminding myself....four more weeks.

To go along with the stupid suitemates were being really loud this week. I have no idea what they were doing for the past two nights, but it was really loud. They were stomping in their room and were making my floor vibrate. Remember, Amber....just four more weeks.

I almost got into a car wreck on Friday. I swear, I am never going through that stoplight in Warrensburg again. :(

Work went okay today. We had about 38 people, and I got $11 in tips. Not to shabby. :)

But, my Mizzou Tigers lost in the Elite Eight today. This loss ends their historical season, in which their record was 31-7. Their record is historical, because they hold the school record for the most wins in a season. This is impressive because this is the same team that had a record of 16-16 last year, with no NCAA Tournament appearance. They were the same team that lost in the first round of the Big 12 Tournament. But look at them now. They are Big 12 Tournament Champions, they finished 3rd in the conference, put a whopping 102 points on a Memphis team that only allows 50 points a game, and made it to the Elite Eight of the Tourament. My hats are off to you guys! You made us all proud to be a Tiger fan! :D

I'm trying to get my speech written that I need to present on Thursday. It's being difficult at the moment, because it is a persuasive speech on voting. I hope to get it done tomorrow, so I have enough time to study for my tests this next week. So, wish me luck. :P

Well, that's an update in Amber's world. :)

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