Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fool's Day!

Here's the updater:

1.) I had two tests today, and much to my surprise they went very well. I just hope that I get a good grade on them.

2.) We finished watching "King Corn" today in Geography. It was an interesting film about two Bostonians who went to Iowa and planted an acre of corn.

3.) Still having roommie problems. :(

4.) I can't wait to go home this weekend and catch up on sleep. I desperately need it.

5.) I really, really, really need to start reading my history book. I have a book report that is due over it on the 24th.

6.) I need to stop looking on the internet and work on my speech for tomorrow. :/

I think that's about everything. Have a good day everyone! :D

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