Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, Everyone! He is Risen! He is Risen, indeed! :D

Here's the update:

1.) Work this weekend was wonderful, because a certain someone wasn't there to make it a living hell. :)

2.) I finally finished that book report last week. It took 5 hours to complete, but it is done.

3.) I mapped out my vacation for my Geography assignment. I hope to get it mostly done this week.

4.) I have a massive headache right now. :(

5.) I really need to go shopping. I need clothes! :O

6.) I'm going to live an a apartment next year! No more crappy dorms! YAY! :D

7.) I enrolled this past week. Fun. :/

8.) I had a wonderful Easter weekend. I spent it with my family, and we had a blast. Plus, my mom gave me $15 for Easter to buy a CD. :)

9.) I finally got my Mizzou shirt I wanted! YES! :D

10.) I am totally not ready for this week. I just want it to be over already. :(

Thanks for reading the update! :D

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